Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday's Walk Down Memory Lane

Some Wednesday's I really struggle to think of a memory worth sharing. Today was no different. But, suddenly as I began today's blog, a memory popped into my head. Now, I will tell you that many parts of this memory are constructed from the memories of others, though I do have some very vivid rememberances of this event.

When I was quite young my cousin, Mindy, lived on a mountainside in beautiful Bear Canyon, MT. I mean, she didn't just live out in the forest foraging for food...Her dad was building a house there and during this process they were living in a motor home. Mindy's grandparents also lived on "The Mountain" so we were there frequently as well. Now, Mindy and I grew up almost more like sisters than cousins. We were always very close (and still are!).

When they were living on The Mountain, Mindy and I had all sorts of adventures. Sometimes, though we would just hang around the trailer. This one day in particular, we were in her Dad's little Nissan pickup truck listening to music. It had a standard transmission in it and was safely in gear, parked in front of their shed. Mindy was sitting in the driver's seat (as usual, she ALWAYS got the best spot!) and I in the passenger seat. I must have been 6 or 7 and Mindy 7 or 8. Now, I'm not entirely sure if we were actually allowed to be sitting in there and turning the ignition to listen to the radio or not. The fact is, we were there and having a great time. What I remember is that I thought the radio was off, so I was going to turn the key and turn it back on. I turned the key just one little click further than I should have and the truck lurched and nearly rolled down the mountain! It ran into the barbecue grill which surprising ly stopped it. Talk about an adrenaline rush!!! We were scared to death. My little heart was just pounding!

Of course, the story doesn't end there. I was in HUGE trouble. What I remember is being given a very firm tongue lashing by Mindy's Mom and then getting my butt paddled with the wooden spoon. (Ah the good ol' days when children could be spanked without their parent's fearing retribution!) Mindy got spanked too, just for letting me turn the key. Or, maybe we WEREN'T supposed to be in the truck after all... To this day, I'm sure that she didn't get nearly the spanking I did...I don't think I could sit for a month!

Looking back now, what a miracle! We could have been so badly hurt especially with the pickup pointing down hill! And seriously, there is no logical reason that a barbecue grill should stop a pickup, no matter how small!


Mindy said...

Oh Holy Moly do I remember this! It was definitely an eye opener for us! As I remember it we were in my Mom's Subaru and we were allowed to be there listening to the music and pretending to drive. Then with one little turn of the key we were off! We rolled down the hill a ways, I was terrified and leaped out of the moving car and ran down the hill to get Mom. I wasn't sure what Dad was going to do!! Mark saw the whole thing, you in the passenger seat, with your eyes popping out of your head =) The car rolled into the tool shed and damaged the corner of it. Mark leaped into the car and pulled you out. Luckily for us Mom was the one that spanked us. I think if Dad had we STILL wouldn't be able to sit LOL!!

Loriann said...

Hey Heather,
So glad to hear from you... We have been praying for you and your girls. Thank you for the encouragement...
I would like to ask you for a special prayer request, I havent decided what to do yet, but I know we don't want the girls aware of what is going on until we know deffinately, But the drs are 90 % sure that Hannah has lukemia, we will find the final results out in two months. We are banking on that God is an awesome God, and that He is bigger than this. We know He is!. We would deeply appreciate your prayers, and Mindy's, I don't know if I told her yet... it has been crazy here lately.... We hope that you have a blessed week, Love to all, Lori and girls